
Got a new box…

Have been wanting to upgrade my system for over a year now. The old 3770 intel was around ten years old and was starting to show its age. Saw a budget build on you tube based on the AMD 5700G with a low end mother board and 32Gb of Ram. Did grab an after market Got a new box…

Copy and paste in Vim

This post of more for my reference than anyone else. Started using Vim only a couple of years ago as was getting fed up with the hype. Can be quite a learning curve for someone who has used Nano from day one on linux but some things just made sense other things were way over Copy and paste in Vim

Thoughts on Wayland version….

Downloads of ArchBang Sway are not that great so can only assume that Wayland version is not that popular. Did think at the time I was pushing my users a little too far by switching window manager again. Thinking I should build both versions i3 and sway, to try to keep everyone happy. Again I Thoughts on Wayland version….

Quick update with fix

My good friend Joe informed I had an error in sway config, nothing major just some doubled up keybinds all fixed now. Uploaded new image. Might have found a background that I can use for Summer release. Couple of other things are maybe add cpu and ram module to waybar. More work to do so Quick update with fix