
Clash of the key binds…

I thought I was being very clever when I set Control + c for copy in Alacritty. Well it came back to bite me! Control + C in a terminal cancels a command so if I had something running I could not end/stop it. So I had to go back to the drawing board. Have Clash of the key binds…

New day new kernel…

Woke up to another kernel update so have updated iso image. Added Alacritty terminal to ArchBang for now you can try it out via rofi launcher [Super + d]. To make changes to alacritty you do need to edit a config file which at first can seem a little complicated. It lives in ~/.config/alacritty. For New day new kernel…

May have made a mistake….

Have been using Sway for a couple of months now and I do like it and thought everyone would, but I was wrong. Switching ArchBang to Sway may have been a step too far as user feedback and reduced downloads of iso are a cause for concern. What I should have done from the start May have made a mistake….

A few hours later….

A few hours after building and uploading iso image Archlinux updated its kernel package. So what is a developer to do? Well rebuild it and upload a new image of course. Still looking for old ArchBang configs if anyone has an old install of ArchBang, more interested in Openbox files. Just noticed my twitter link A few hours later….

An old friend returns….

One of the useful things in ArchBang used to be network manager applet on the panel, had first thought that it would not work under Wayland but I was wrong! After doing some searching I came across an option that might work so I thought I would test it out first and to my surprise An old friend returns….

Got a new box…

Have been wanting to upgrade my system for over a year now. The old 3770 intel was around ten years old and was starting to show its age. Saw a budget build on you tube based on the AMD 5700G with a low end mother board and 32Gb of Ram. Did grab an after market Got a new box…