Latest kernel and more DWM keybinds…

Am uploading new iso image that will have latest kernel update.

Have added some extra keybinds to DWM which are listed in a simple guide inside dwm folder.

Brief overview:

Super + Return — terminal
Super + w — Firefox
Super + r — Dmenu
Super + f — Thunar
Super + e — Gvim

So far have had very little feedback [only one so far], do need to know if is it worth keeping or maybe creating a pure DWM version.

[TS_Poll id=”1″]

Remember if you like ArchBang Linux please support my work, I do need Coffee and doantions to keep project alive…. Thanks 😉

EDITJust rebuilding iso image to run latest kernel and added Conky to DWM setup….

EDIT 2 Another kernel update so have uploaded another iso image …..

Stay safe….