
32bit iso Fail….

I have no idea what I was thinking while testing out my vintage ArchBang iso. No idea why but I decided to try and install it, in my arch32 virtual machine. This wiped out my 32bit build virtual machine. So had to think fast, reinstall archbang32. Drag in archbang source files. Modify them to work 32bit iso Fail….

ArchBang now ships with pacman 6

After updating my system I noticed that pacman 6 has been released. Thought it would be nice to bring iso up to date so everyone can try it out. Will remove alpha release… Enjoy 😉

Back to normal and Dmenu fix!

Another week another updated iso. Found that dmenu was not working live so have fixed that, am guessing no one really uses it. Dmenu is quite a useful thing to have, hit Super (windows key) and ‘d’ and a menu pops up at top of screen. Type in a application name, select it or just Back to normal and Dmenu fix!

Beta update..

Have made a very small addition to allow nvme drive to work with abinstall. It was pointed out by an ArchBang user who contacted me, after having an issue with finding devices. It is such an easy fix that I have added it too updated iso. Marked this version beta for testing purposes. Will more Beta update..

Not sure if this is a good idea….

Thinking of adding some videos of ArchBang installation on YouTube. Under Virtualbox it is very easy to record a virtual machine. To get started I have done one on Archlabs. Going to regret saying this but Like, Share and Subscribe 😉

New 5.12 kernel and tint2 changes

After a break last am again working on a new release. Seems tint2 is now gtk3 based, so new iso will now include tint2conf (from menu). Looking at a new 32bit version but I need to test installer before release. Have had some feedback regarding an error in abinstall, seems to be a path error. New 5.12 kernel and tint2 changes