New iso image.

Another week and another updated iso image. Mostly to bring kernel up to date. This will be the last beta for now while I work on Autumn release. Still need to get archiso up to date, new themes and wallpaper, check shipped packages. Sad news Sir Clive Sinclair who died this week at 81 years New iso image.

New week, new kernel, new iso

Another week has pasted and I am building an update iso for your delight. No major changes other than updates. Still have to start work on Autumn release, not had much feedback on i3 window manager option so may remove for new release. Once I get Autumn release under way then I will only upload New week, new kernel, new iso

Update and project plans

New iso being uploaded 😉 Am looking to start work on Autumn release. Still unsure of switch to i3 window manager at the moment. Do need to work on getting archiso and installer up to date. Have been looking at these graphical installers of other distros [only looking!]. Strikes me that half the size of Update and project plans

New PSU so back in action

Am currently uploading an updated iso after my desktop PSU failed. Very odd that a power supply would fail after only two years, guess I need to look at trying to get my money back. Got myself a Corsair CX650F RGB which has the advantage of being modular, in as much as you only need New PSU so back in action

Quick update and beta changes

Have updated iso this week, more to bring kernel up to date. Am taking a short break next week so after that I will start working on upcoming beta release. ArchBang will include i3 tiling window manager [as a second WM option]. Have [no idea why!] used my own personal config to use in beta Quick update and beta changes

Waiting for a new kernel

No iso update this week, going to wait for 5.13 to hits main repos. Looking to switch out dmenu for rofi, have found a nice looking config but need to theme it. Going to hold off i3 window manager in ArchBang until autumn release. Have not decided if I will keep tint2 over i3status, the Waiting for a new kernel


Was thinking the other day abut when I started to use linux. At that time I was using Gnome, had the icons on the desktop and pointed and clicked everything. Being n an old pc (think it was 266Mhz) it of course was slow. Had read a lot about Openbox and how fast and light Workflow