
Just a minor update….

Am going to get an iso update out today. No major changes other than maybe a kernel update. Was thinking about adding another page regarding system admin, some useful information here might help some. Personally my go to site is arch wiki, have it set up as a keyword in Firefox so a simply ‘aw Just a minor update….

Some things I need to share….

Openbox version seems to be popular and downloads are quite good, so I guess the switch back makes sense. Have been suffering for while with a chest infection, thankfully not covid related. So am a bit run down and not really in the mood for ricing [whatever that is?]. Have updated Guide both here and Some things I need to share….

Taking a break…..

Now building release version of ArchBang autumn, got to run some tests then will be uploading image very soon. Minor changes exitmenu is now only on tint2 panel and conky no longer displays date. If you click on clock in panel a calendar will appear. Tint2 is a little more fresh looking and have added Taking a break…..

ArchBang on Rumble….

Just uploaded a video of me trying to use ArchBang live ๐Ÿ˜‰ Please visit like, share and subscribe.. Promise future content will be a little better, very new to the video blog creator thing and it shows.

More changes to Openbox version

I have been busy making even more changes to iso. Nothing major but I have now done quite a few things to make overall look better. Openbox: Small theme changes to increase font size and style Keybinds: Super + q close a window Super + m toggle fullscreen window Conky: Change of colour ArchBang now More changes to Openbox version

Well I spoke too soon…

Have noticed a small issue in last iso. Super + 1 [switch to workspace one] throws up an error. Easy fix just a typo in i3 config. Just rebuilt and am uploading a new image. Also as a Birthday treat, did I mention mine is tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰ iso now ships with window title in i3blocks Well I spoke too soon…

Am now a year older….

Have just updated iso image, no major changes. Noticed that copytoram feature live now uses pv to give some output, which is nice rather than system doing nothing while it loads into ram. It will be my Birthday this Sunday so I will mostly eating cake and drinking. So do not plan on doing any Am now a year older….

Thunar has thumbnails…

Have uploaded a new iso image, latest kernel and some small changes to source. Never use Thunar very much but it always annoyed me it had no thumbnails of images. Well a quick search found the solution Tumbler ๐Ÿ˜‰ It is now part of latest image. Other small changes well I have removed most of Thunar has thumbnails…