Productive week….

I have had a little more time to work on ArchBang this week, but things did not go as planned. Desktop switching in tint2 is not working and I have struggled to find a solution. Got to the point of thinking about using polybar instead. It was while reading polybar wiki that I found some information about using xprop to get desktop information. After some trial and error I managed to get xprop to give me desktop number you are on. Now it is more of a question of adding this to tint2.

Also added a small script to allow a user to switch wallpapers, abwall will be part of a new iso image in the meantime I will create a short video on YouTube to show you manually how to change background.

Been using catppuccin to bring a more modern feel to i3. If I could figure out how to pop colour my backgrounds then I might add some of the look to future ArchBang images.

Right I must get this weeks iso image ready, will upload tomorrow morning.

Have 7 subscribers on You Tube ;-(

Stay safe…