Minor changes and a new iso

Am building a new iso at the moment, which will have some minor changes. First one is archinstall is included as another installation option. Archinstall has a few interesting features, not only can you do a basic normal arch install you can if you wish install a Window Manager and or other packages during process. Minor changes and a new iso

Slight change to iso image.

ArchBang live does not have any of pacmans servers active. They are by default commented out. Archlinux is only useful if you have a working network connection. When running live iso ethernet/wired connection should be enabled by default. Wireless you do need to find your connection [SSID] and enter a password, which should be just Slight change to iso image.

New updated iso and traffic

Another week a new iso. Refreshed packages and a minor tweak too tint2 config. Am thinking of adding archinstall to iso, as a way for users to do a ‘real’ archlinux install. This of course will not install ArchBang but gives user the chance to setup a working system that can easily be loaded with New updated iso and traffic

Another year of ArchBang….

Donations have paid half the costs of hosting and domain for another year. Can fully understand times are difficult and I am grateful for any help towards keeping project alive. This year I will need to work on installer to freshen it up. Been in service for many years now, surprised that it still works. Another year of ArchBang….

Openbox is staying….

My recent posts have let to some confusion, so figure I would explain myself. CrunchBang inspired ArchBang and it was then an attempt to make an Archlinux based version. CrunchBang used Openbox and so it followed ArchBang did the same. When I first started using Archlinux I ran Gnome. Remember reading about Openbox at the Openbox is staying….

Am getting the hang of it….

With a bit of spare time on my hands between decorating and cooking, been slowly setting up dk tiling window manager. Did try lemonbar as a panel but I soon lost interest and went back to tint2, more the fact I am used to it more. One thing I have added is super + a Am getting the hang of it….

Update and Ads…..

Another week a new iso image, quite a few package updates as well as new kernel. Managed to get iso looping working quite well, added comments to my config and will get a howto page done soon. Also got persistence working though I had to use a second drive [will look into that]. So you Update and Ads…..