Quick kernel update….
Noticed that Arch has updated kernel overnight, so I have updated iso and uploaded image. Enjoy the rest of your weekend…
Noticed that Arch has updated kernel overnight, so I have updated iso and uploaded image. Enjoy the rest of your weekend…
Have been using Archlinux for a while now and have got so used to it, find it really hard to run anything else. Well I did install Ubuntu on my laptop for a day! Then switched back to Arch. Would never say Archlinux is perfect but it works for me and for the most part … Pacman is wonderful 😉
Was messing around with Virt-manager this week then came across Gnome-Boxes. Thought it would only be an Ubuntu thing and more likely in AUR, but to my surprise it is in main Arch repos. As I had already set up virt-manager it was quite simply a case of installing gnome-boxes package and away you go. … Getting Virtual in Boxes
Yes you read it right I loaded Ubuntu linux on my laptop. Installed i3 window manager and set about setting up virt-manager. All was fine could run arch linux in a virtual machine and all seemed well. Anyway a day later I went back to Arch 😉 I have used Virtualbox mostly for testing iso … Ubuntu Linux!
I have no idea why i686 version has suddenly got so many downloads. Only just about got it up and running, not even looked at abinstall to check if it needs work.. Please if you have any feedback on i686 version then please let me know, can only test in a Virtual Machine so it … i686 downloads have gone crazy….
I do not like asking for money, funding, crypto, gift cards or even a coffee. Offer Paypal as a simple way to support my work but many people do not like using it. Not going to use google ads again, very limited and they can pull payments at will. I need alternatives that people will … Getting Help?
Seemed to be an issue with last 32bit iso image, it simply dropped to a reduced shell. It was an issue with mount command inside of util-linux package. Quick visit to archlinux32 forums and package was updated. Am building image now so will test boot before uploading. Next i686 release will include i3 in line … i686 rebuild of iso…
Decided to try out rxvt-unicode terminal emulator. It is not as user friendly as lxterminal but still comes with a host of features one that interested me was transparency. To ease you all into the change I have included it in next iso image and you can try it out by using Super + Return. … Switching to a new terminal…
I am uploading a new iso image which includes latest kernel release. Been looking at remote virtual private servers again [Oracle] and then came across a docker based system called Kasm [not sponsored but would love to be!] Check out this video He has some really cool stuff on his channel Mr Green using Ubuntu … Rebuilding iso image to include broadcom-wl
I am building an iso that will ship with 6.0 kernel. Have noticed that broadcom-wl package is now broadcom-wl-dkms so for this release I have removed broadcom package. Anyway uploading soon 😉 Enjoy