
Device not found…..

Had a very interesting email in the week from someone that wants to install ArchBang on an Intel Compute stick. Did not think about it at first but I remembered that I had tried to install arch on one in 2019. Anyway long story short the main issue was that installer could not see the Device not found…..

You can see right through it!

Another week and I am currently building then uploading a new iso image. Have added picom to add shadows, clear windows, fading etc. It is disabled by default in i3 config but easy to setup. Remove comment on the line that has the following # exec $ei picom # remove ‘#’ from start of line. You can see right through it!

Project Vole news and an Iso Update

Am currently building and will be uploading a new ArchBang iso image very soon. Latest kernel and updated packages. With March fast approaching I will need to start work on Spring release. Might ship with a different browser or editor who knows. Going to look at updating Archiso too some minor changes upstream but nothing Project Vole news and an Iso Update

Quick Project Vole Iso update

So have uploaded a new Project Vole iso image. Basically fixed installer issue, edit conky and i3 config installed. Slight theme update as well as updated packages. Will make more changes to installer once I am happy it works ok. If you make any changes live for example adding wifi connection, extra applications or even Quick Project Vole Iso update

Iso update and other news…

Currently building an updated iso image which I will upload very soon. Was concerned about carrying on with Project Vole after hearing about Void Builds. A site that has pre made iso void based images of various desktops including i3. Will build and upload a ‘rc’ version of Project_Vole before I make a decision on Iso update and other news…

Updated Iso and Future Plans

Have just uploaded a new iso image, updated packages and kernel. Very undecided about what direction Project Vole should go. Very tempted to do an ArchBang like iso but several things are bothering me. One is the fact Void Linux already has an Xfce4 version so am I just reinventing the wheel. Could of course Updated Iso and Future Plans