
Quick update to Spring release

Am uploading a new iso image of Spring release. Updated packages and minor changes to microcode installation. Nothing that will affect users am simply adding both microcode images to /boot so that they can be managed post install. Not found a battery block that I really like for i3blocks so will keep cbatticon for now, Quick update to Spring release

Launchers are back…..

I have made a quick update to Spring release to replace i3status with i3blocks. Have seen it before in other distros and thought it over busy for what I need. Anyway a quick stop over at EndeavourOS github and I found exactly what I was looking for. Basically panel now includes the old launchers that Launchers are back…..

Started work on Spring release….

Finally after the long dark nights, spring is around the corner. Am putting together a new release for the end of week/month. No major changes but new wallpaper, theme colours and window gaps. Have added a few pixel gaps to config which can be controlled via Super+[Shift]+[plus/minus] this will allow you to increase, decrease size Started work on Spring release….

What a week…

So my car is broke again, lost $60 on Ebay and my blood pressure is a little high. It is not going to stop me starting on Spring release. So this will be last winter iso image, next week I will see if I can get an ‘rc’ release out there. Will have to forgive What a week…

Device not found…..

Had a very interesting email in the week from someone that wants to install ArchBang on an Intel Compute stick. Did not think about it at first but I remembered that I had tried to install arch on one in 2019. Anyway long story short the main issue was that installer could not see the Device not found…..

You can see right through it!

Another week and I am currently building then uploading a new iso image. Have added picom to add shadows, clear windows, fading etc. It is disabled by default in i3 config but easy to setup. Remove comment on the line that has the following # exec $ei picom # remove ‘#’ from start of line. You can see right through it!