ArchBang32 available

I have built a 32bit version of ArchBang with i3 tiling window manager. You can check it out on ArchBang SourceForge page. It is very beta at the moment. Am building via a Virtual Machine…

Anyone for a 32Bit version?

I am working on an i686 version of ArchBang based on Archlinux32. Have a working iso but it is very beta at the moment. Building and testing on a virtual machine is painful at best….

ArchBang Openbox or i3?

Another week another iso, updated and uploaded. Still getting messages of support for i3 version. Still think that ArchBang over its history has always been Openbox based. Will keep configuration files for i3 version and…

Beta Openbox version …

Today I have uploaded a beta Openbox version 😉 Hopefully I have managed to restore most (if not all features) of original ArchBang. Please test and let me know of any issues. Do need to…

Openbox is back!!!

Just a quick post, Openbox is back. Will go beta for next release as abinstall will need testing to make sure all openbox changes are done. Bit more cleaning up to do, mostly to remove…

Last ride for i3 Window Manager

Am uploading a new iso. Mostly to cover kernel update. Will then start switching back to Openbox for next week. Had even thought about trying JWM, it is more like Openbox and lighter so maybe…

Update to fix installer

Well my mirror script in abinstall was not working correctly so I am rebuilding iso with a fix. Basically I was having a problem with redirecting a file. Just needed to simply insert directly into…

Updated mirrorlist generator

Another week a new iso, updated packages and kernel. Been a busy week in the real world this week so have not had much time working on ArchBang. Did make some changes to install (Location)….