Quick update and beta changes

Have updated iso this week, more to bring kernel up to date. Am taking a short break next week so after that I will start working on upcoming beta release. ArchBang will include i3 tiling window manager [as a second WM option]. Have [no idea why!] used my own personal config to use in beta version. Need to get theme,bar, possibly font icons and other keybinds etc.. before calling it anything like a release.

Rofi will be added for your gui candy pleasure…

With all that to be done and bringing archiso up to date again going to be busy.

Might upload beta at some point over weekend if anyone is interested in trying it out. It will be in a ‘beta’ folder as not confuse or should I say annoy anyone looking for a normal release.

As always large donations always welcome 😉

EDIT… Did notice that battery icon it not present, fixed now for summer release.

Stay safe…