Sunday morning iso build….

Am building and will soon upload a new iso image. Many package updates and a fresh kernel [well at time of writing that is!]. Not much else to say this week, going to enjoy a week break from work and hopefully see some sun. Am going to hold back autumn release as I want to Sunday morning iso build….

Help me get rid of ads….

I really do not like running ads on website, to be honest it has not helped much either. So was trying to figured out other ways users can help out. Need to raise $1000 by end of year to keep hosting and domain running, with a little bit extra for helping me keep the lights Help me get rid of ads….

Quick iso update…

Have noticed that Arch has updated its kernel so have rebuilt and uploaded a new iso image. No other major changes… Stay safe…

Ads are back….

With so little in the way of donations have decided to reintroduce ads to site. Really wanted to avoid doing this but unless I can raise a thousand dollars by end of year then I will have to give up the project completely. I only really work on ArchBang as a hobby but hosting, domains Ads are back….