Going back to pure Openbox…..

While Jgmenu solved an issue with having a menu launch from panel, it hit a nerve as regards to running pure Openbox. Do not have a problem with jgmenu just think it is not needed. To that end I have gone back to using Openbox menu.xml and switched launcher in polybar to rofi.

Sxhkd [hotkey daemon] has also been removed and I have added extra binds to rc.xml again to keep a more pure Openbox setup.

You can now use Alt or Super [Windows logo key] for most ArchBang binds. This again makes life easier for those using Chrome/Macbooks or those who do not have Logo key.

Another addition is a script to install Yay Aur helper, know some may want to install a given package from Aur or just need to get Yay installed post install. Basically it pulls in base-devel, git then pkgbuild before finally building and installing Yay. Please you will need a working network connection to so this.

Was not happy with the whole showing keybinds thing so have simplified it to open a text file in l3afpad. This can be accessed via main menu or using Super/Alt + h.

Seems Archlinux has dropped broadcom-wl package so it is not part of iso image this week. Not sure why or when but iso was building fine last couple of days…

The lights at ArchBang HQ will carry for another year thanks to your help… 😉

Right better iso uploaded.

Stay safe….