Do get asked from time to time on how to change background in ArchBang. Couple of ways to do this a command line method and an application. Their is little use changing background live so these are more for installed ArchBang.
Open a terminal and do run the following:
nano ~/.config/openbox/autostart
In that file you will see a command called feh, it is used to set background. You will see a path to current wallpaper. Simply edit and change path to where your background it located.
It looks like this:
feh --bg-scale ~/Backgrounds/{file_name}.jpg # replace with your background path (location) and file name
Use pacman to install a package called nitrogen
sudo pacman -Sy nitrogen
Nitrogen can be run from main menu. Again you need to edit ~/.config/openbox/autostart to replace feh command with nitrogen so it sets given wallpaper at log in.
First open autostart file
nano ~/.config/openbox/autostart
Find line that starts with feh and replace it with:
nitrogen --restore &
More information on Nitrogen can be found here
Feel free to email me if you need any more help, would be interested if users wish me to switch to using Nitrogen in place of feh
Stay safe 😉