
Small colour changes….

I was not totally happy with theme in current ArchBang iso. While I like the Nord colours it looked washed out against my background image. Also logout from Openbox menu looked terrible. So have darkened theme colour, changed active title to white and removed exitmenu from tint2. For some reason Cbatticon shows up in black Small colour changes….

We are at 6.6.7….

Well the holiday season is fast approaching and as usual I have got lots to do and little time to do it. Rebuilt iso using 6.7.7 kernel, so at least you are fully up to date. Lost £100 this week on Ebay, something I could do without at the moment. Item was not delivered and We are at 6.6.7….

Quick update to iso image…

Well as all things Arch a new kernel has arrived, so I built a fresh image. No other real changes. Have noticed iso image is a little larger so am checking ArchBang source files and I found old wallpaper and theme are still present. Well no harm done so next release will hopefully be a Quick update to iso image…

ArchBang Winter has arrived….

Been busy working on ArchBang winter release. New themes, colours [based on Nord], wallpaper and of course the logo has returned. No major changes but am putting this image out there as ‘rc’ iso. Need to test more but am happy with new look. Updated kernel 6.6.3 is also being shipped. With all things Arch ArchBang Winter has arrived….

Making life easier…

Do not know why I did not do this before but finally got around to adding Gparted to abinstall. While I live in terminal, setting up partitions and filesystems can be a nightmare for new and experienced users. GParted will come up as an option, you can of course still do a manual set up Making life easier…

6.6 is finally here…

Have updated live iso to run 6.6 kernel, no other changes. Just wanted to keep image as up to date as possible. Starting work in Winter release in the next couple of weeks. Thank you so much for all the coffee, please keep ’em coming. Stay safe….

Adding a post install script to ArchBang

Upcoming iso images will feature a new post install script. abpost_install will perform the following: 1: Check for network connection 2: Make sure servers are setup [more for live image] 3: Create pacman keys required for package signing 4: Update system, install git base-devel and archlinux-keyring 5: Build and install yay Aur helper. To use Adding a post install script to ArchBang

I’m an idiot….

I had a issue with using testing repo recently, krb5 package was ahead of core. Got fed up with warning every time I updated so decided to remove it! Well that of course broke pacman. Ok so I broke it I need to fix it. So I loaded up ArchBang live and proceeded to chroot I’m an idiot….