Fancy a new 32bit version?

Am uploading a new ArchBang i686 iso image to SourceForge. Have had some users asking about an updated iso image and for the most part turned them away as I have had very little interest or downloads. Anyway I got a little side tracked and decided to fire up Archlinux32 in a VM. The fun started when I tried to install it via arch-install-scripts. Pacstrap was not happy about package signing and in the end I had to change SigLevel to Never to allow packages to install to target drive. Once I remembered to add grub, root password and start Network Manager I was able to log in to console and start the process of installing Xorg and i3 window manager. I did of course install archlinux-kering an updated packey too so I had packages signed once again.

Then I pulled in ArchBang source installed archiso and started building i686 iso. There are of course a few changes that need to be made but nothing too complex and I managed to create an image. Getting it from VM was another issue but I remembered I used sshfs in the past so a quick visit to arch wiki and I managed to grab iso image and test it on my VM.

Install should work, grub uefi might be picky or fail, do know I need to change live uefi as it is still set for x86_64. Again it is easy to edit grub and it will boot fine then. [can fix this too if there is any real interest in it.]

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Stay safe….