Running ArchBang on old hardware…..

Have had some interesting feedback on i686 version of ArchBang. An odd issue with setting time and applications loaded post install not working. To that end I purchased an old Acer Aspire One from Ebay for 10 Euro/Dollars that seller stated it had 1.5Gbs of ram, turns out it only has 512Mbs ;-(.

Anyway it came with Ubuntu [Gnome] preloaded and seemed to work though I think it had not been updated in many years. So naturally I did the right thing and fired up ArchBang i686. It booted live and it ran if very slowly.

That might be all well and good but could I install ArchBang on Acer. I had a few tricks up my sleeve, decided that installer would struggle with limited memory so switched to tty2 console [Control+Alt+F2] then ran abinstall from there. Paritioning I simply used what was already set up basically one for / and one for swap, as it will need all the help it can get.

Then installed! copying over system took around ten minutes but got there, rest of install was easy though slower than I am used to.

Rebooted into new install 😉

While it works as it should many larger applications would not run or open. Am looking into that at the moment. Do need to update iso image but I need to make changes to it to use archlinux32 keyring. It may well be that I switch Window Manager to reduce load i3 is certainly a good fit. Running Openbox,Tint2 and Conky all draw resources.

Have accidentally bought a Dell that has a little more ram so maybe will have more luck.

If anyone is still interested in i686 please let me know 😉

Please if you would like to help out project to allow me to buy more old laptops off Ebay then please consider making a small donation.. Thank you…

Stay safe….