
Upcoming Summer release…

Building a new iso image with updated packages and latest kernel. Will get it uploaded shortly. I am totally amazed at the number of downloads 32bit version has had. Either users are downloading image via latest version link on sourceforge or there is more interest in ti than I first thought. Thinking it might be Upcoming Summer release…

Fancy a new 32bit version?

Am uploading a new ArchBang i686 iso image to SourceForge. Have had some users asking about an updated iso image and for the most part turned them away as I have had very little interest or downloads. Anyway I got a little side tracked and decided to fire up Archlinux32 in a VM. The fun Fancy a new 32bit version?

Am testing Archlinux32….

Have been asked a few times about updating i686 ArchBang version. Last time I did an iso it got little or no interest. Curiosity got the better of me and decided to see if I could install archlinux32 in a virtual machine. As I am used to using arch-install-scripts I proceeded to follow archlinux install Am testing Archlinux32….

Bit of an odd week…

Have just built and uploaded new iso image includes 6.9 kernel and updated packages. On Tuesday I was hit by a car while cycling home from work, luckily I did not break anything or had too much damage to my bike. Am very sore and badly bruised and have a very sore back. Have never Bit of an odd week…

Added desktop indicator…

Just uploaded a new iso image, package updates and latest kernel. Also added a script to show current desktop. For some reason tint2 would not switch and show current desktop, script uses xdotool to figure out what desktop you are on. Problem I had was it worked fine with numbered desktops but of course names Added desktop indicator…

I need a new Graphics card….

I need to upgrade my old Nvidia GT710 to something a bit more modern, had this card for well over 10 years now. I am by no means a gamer so never really needed anything that powerful, but I need to get with the times. Looking at getting an RX6600 Radeon with 8Gb of ram, I need a new Graphics card….