Spring release pushed back

In the light of recent events have decided to push back Spring release for the time being. Will try to update iso as often as I can, more likely weekly. All I can say is keep yourself and family safe. Am still here if you need any help, advice (ArchBang related)

New Kernel New Iso

I will try to keep ArchBang up to date as long as I can. With recent events I have to make sure my close family and friends are safe. Certainly if I am told to ‘work from home’ or ‘isolate if someone is infected’ then I will have more time to work on Spring release. New Kernel New Iso

Spring is coming….

Am still working on Spring release and trying to keep beta fresh. Downloads still amaze me, ArchBang will never live up to the likes of Manjaro or ArchLabs. They have far more support and developers. At ArchBang there is only one! Me! Sometimes it bothers me that I cannot give real support or a forum. Spring is coming….

Quick Iso Update

New kernel new iso, have made some changes to overall look. Will switch back too Firefox for next build and then get final look and feel ready for Spring release. Uefi support should be working fine now. Other news have started working on Project_Vole again. Will get something uploaded very soon. It is now running Quick Iso Update

Spring Release Sneak Peek…

I am going to update iso very soon due too another kernel update. This release is tagged beta mainly because I am starting work on Spring release. You will notice theme changes including a new icon set, wallpaper and custom Openbox theme. Have switched out Firefox for Netsuf, this reduces build times to allow faster Spring Release Sneak Peek…

Another kernel another upload

Just a quick thank you to all who have donated towards hosting, ArchBang lives for another year 😉 Am uploading a new iso (well updated) am trying to keep iso as fresh as possible. Real world news have been down with a rotten cold this week so not much time at the terminal. Feeling a Another kernel another upload

Hosting up for renewal

So my hosting comes up for renewal very soon. Looking at around $75 the year. Got about a third of that in donations. Iso building is starting to be an expensive hobby 😉 Have uploaded another iso after a recent kernel update. Am thinking of switching ArchBang to a tiling window manager but that might Hosting up for renewal

Update, Hosting Costs and some news…

Quick iso update (new kernel) 😉 In other news I have been chatting with other Arch based distro developers and have found it refreshing. Certainly in awe at how polished and clean these distros are. Not mention any names … (ArchLabs, EndeavourOS and the mighty Zen-installer) Am still working on Project Vole switching too Bspwm, Update, Hosting Costs and some news…

RC vs Beta

Some of you may have noticed that ArchBang uses RC or Beta in its iso title. Basically RC releases are updates to iso mainly for minor fixes or package updates. Beta on the other hand are more for testing and may have features or issues. Neither are harmful to a users system as unless an RC vs Beta