At last 5.8 kernel

Have updated iso to run new 5.8 kernel, minor changes too zen-installer. Given a working network connection, mirrors/servers should be automatic now. At some point may improve config_edit script to work the same. Next few weeks are going to be a busy for me (real world) so may not update again until September. Downloads of At last 5.8 kernel

Zen-mode in ArchBang beta

Have made changes to ArchBang to make it even easier to use Zen-Installer. Code named ‘Zen-Mode’ check conky on screen and you will see ‘Super + z’ keybind. This will allow you run Zen-Installer directly from keyboard. Once script starts user is warned about loading of Zen and wallpaper will change too. Have tried to Zen-mode in ArchBang beta

Issues with recent releases….

Have been working towards updating source files based on recent archiso updates. Managed to get an iso to build and run, did not think about installer. An email from a user that was having problems with syslinux so decided to test install and sure enough it failed. Not only that /boot was empty!!!! This morning Issues with recent releases….

Updated iso 02/08 UEFI fix

Working my way through Archiso I managed to get an iso to boot (finally). With so many changes to source files something was going to slip through the net. After testing UEFI booting noticed that configs (entries) were missing. Fixed all booting options now. Development of Archiso has rapidly increased in the last few weeks Updated iso 02/08 UEFI fix

Updating source files

Have spend time today updating source files to bring them more in line with Archiso. Quite a few changes, mostly for the better. Did have some problems with syslinux, then no splash image but think I have got it figured out. Will upload new iso for testing. Hopefully installer still works (something I will have Updating source files

Hosting, Domains and Support

Looking to upgrade my hosting and domains, maybe even look at some form of support forum. To this end I am looking for help. Downloads of ArchBang are still at an all time high. Need to get Autumn release started so over next few weeks will be working towards changing themes and look. Firefox will Hosting, Domains and Support

Autumn release and updated iso

Have uploaded a new iso with updated kernel and packages. Am starting work on Autumn release very soon. Need to create custom theme for Openbox and GTK3, which will be based on the current Arc themes. May drop lxappearence live as there is little point changing gtk3 theme. Obconf will remain as it can be Autumn release and updated iso

Zen installer fix

Have noticed that in recent versions of ArchBang Zen-installer script fails. It seems that when I uncomment servers in local script the world wide mirrors (first in list) are used. These servers do not seem fully up to date and script fails as it cannot find certain required libraries. Future releases will force user to Zen installer fix

Late build

Have had a few days away, now back to the builds. Will very shortly start uploading an updated iso. If I have time I may start working towards Autumn release. Other jobs this week is get SSL certificate working. Very long winded process but worth it in the end. Anyway uploading now… Stay safe Late build

Quick update

Uploaded a fresh iso today, basically a package update. Still working on source files have to sort journalctl (a file rename in installer). Still amazed at sheer number of downloads. Am going to test a fresh install of ArchBang under virtualbox as some users are having issue with missing libraries. Did not seem to have Quick update