Project Vole update…

Am testing out Project Vole running Alpine Linux. Vole is running i3 window manager and st terminal. It is still very very Beta!!! but log in as vlive (user) password live and simply startx. Hit…

New background and updates

Am uploading a new iso with a new wallpaper. Limited at the moment so was only able to get a wallpaper locally with lock down measures in place here in the UK. Had over a…

Building another iso

I uploaded another testing version by mistake, am going to upload a beta version that does not have testing enabled. Now that 5.6 has hit main repos. Normal service will resume shortly 😉

Kernel 5.6 Iso

Just a quick update to get iso up to date. Now running 5.6 kernel. Reading a lot about alacritty terminal and wondered if it lives up to its hype. Have run lxterminal for many years…

Kernel 5.6.2 in Testing

With kernel 5.6 available have removed testing version. If you want to test out kernel 5.6 early then I may have something for you. Built an iso with testing and community-testing enabled. Am uploading to…

Minor systemd-boot update

Systemd-boot has a minor change to loader.conf, basically they are adding ‘.conf’ to end of default config in line with entry file names. Have tested an updated iso and it seems to still boot via…

Another week another iso

Just a quick update to iso, kernel and systemd. Have added xwallpaper for testing so it may well in next release. UK is locked down at the moment so I have more free time, downside…

Spring release pushed back

In the light of recent events have decided to push back Spring release for the time being. Will try to update iso as often as I can, more likely weekly. All I can say is…

New Kernel New Iso

I will try to keep ArchBang up to date as long as I can. With recent events I have to make sure my close family and friends are safe. Certainly if I am told to…