Project Vole Lives again….

I have just uploaded a new Project Vole iso. Arch based running dwm tiling window manager and st terminal. Its lean, mean and fast. No added sugar or fat.

Iso is at alpha as it is still very work in progress.

Some key board short cuts to get you started:

Super + Shift + Return opens st terminal
Super + p demnu
Super + Shift + q quits dwm/lock out
Super + [0-9] switch tags
Super + j/k switch focus left or right

No uefi support at the moment, keeps iso size down and build times low. If I get any interest in Vole then of course can add it fro future releases.

What can you do with it? System rescue disk, Arch linux installer (the arch way). test a tiling window manager, simply try out Arch linux.

Wired connections should work out the box (certainly in a VM they do). Network Manager is included and is running but for wifi you would need to use nmcli. Not tested if wifi-menu would/will work. I may for future releases remove Network Manager and simply run wired from dhcpd and wifi from wifi-menu…

At just over 650Mbs would not class it as small, but most of this is down to linux firmware a package that is 611Mbs installed!!!