What is Project Vole?

Basically it is a smaller version of ArchBang without all the heavy packages. It is based on Archlinux and run dwm tiling window manager and st terminal, not much else. Is there an installer? No Vole ships with arch-install-scripts only.

What is it for? Possible uses are testing out dwm tilting window manager, seeing how archlinux works. Rescue iso, given its size and with a network connection you can add pretty much anything from arch repos and or aur (subject to installing base-devel).

I lose all my settings and files after poweroff? Persistence… Archiso can be setup to save/store information, a guide will soon follow (once I figure it all out)

Support? I can offer limited support at the moment there does not seem to be much interest in Vole at the moment. Which is odd given that many people are interested in trying out a tiling window manager.

Am updating iso at the moment so you may see a new version on sourceforge very soon.

Stay safe everyone 😉