Small bug in Abinstall
I have found a small bug in Abinstall, as I have switched back to autologin via a systemd service (getty@tty1.service.d) I forgot to uncomment a line in mvuser script. Basically you need to edit autologin.conf…
I have found a small bug in Abinstall, as I have switched back to autologin via a systemd service (getty@tty1.service.d) I forgot to uncomment a line in mvuser script. Basically you need to edit autologin.conf…
Think many users are getting confused with ArchBang source forge page. As most recent iso link downloads Project Vole. To solve this I have moved Vole to its own source forge page. projectvole Have uploaded…
To reduce size of iso I have switched to Spectrwm window manager. Have given it the bare minimum of settings, opening a terminal remains the same [Super+Return]. Not over happy with bar but it has…
Have managed to get Vole iso below 500mbs. It still includes uefi booting. Was thinking of switching too spectrwm, although smaller I though it was a step too far. Hope to get a new wallpaper…
Think I have Vole working to the point I can go ‘rc’ release. Updating iso now. Changes are minor but have removed connman, netctl does the job and wifi-menu is far easier to use. Wpa-supplicant…
Have uploaded a new iso called Vole. It is very much work in progress but does have some interesting features (well lack of!). Basically its a stripped down version of ArchBang but does not come…
Just checked the stats over on source forge, have had near 2000 downloads in three days! A new record 😉 Normally look at something around that after at least three weeks. Gives me the drive…
My birthday today!!! Am going to set up a contributions page for users that have kindly given towards the project. Always try to thank people for there help. Still very surprised at number of downloads….
Had an email regarding an issue with 31-8-19 iso, Hua Pla could not access abinstall from Openbox menu. You can still run it from a terminal by using: sudo abinstall Managed to fix issue and…
Have had many users find it difficult to figure out how to run a log in manager or even stop auto login once installed. Decided to add lxdm log in manager. Live iso still logs…