
Looking for an old iso?

Do not really keep older versions of ArchBang, thought it would be interesting to try to update an old iso. Was linked to a 2012 version of ArchBang sometime ago but I have lost the image/link. If anyone knows where I can grab an older version of ArchBang please drop me an email.

Quick update

ArchBang iso updated yesterday, basically updated packages. ArchBang32 I have just tested installer and it does work 😉 Post install you do need to set up pacman keys, given you have a working network connection. sudo pacman-key –init sudo pacman-key –populate archlinux sudo pacman-key –populate archlinux32 Check your local servers in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist are not commented…. Quick update

Rebuilding ArchBang32…

Am in the process of rebuilding ArchBang32. Basically it will be the same as 64bit version, Openbox window manager. It will classed as ‘beta’ simply because I have not tested installer, so it will more than likely fail. Think I could fix installer with a little time. Be aware there is no uefi support for Rebuilding ArchBang32…

Spring release is on the way….

Have started on spring release today, change of background and working on themes. Still have work to do but I am building an iso ready for upload possibly in the morning. Have not had much feedback recently so I am assuming everyone is happy with isos in general. If anyone has any suggestions for possible Spring release is on the way….

5.11 is here lets have a new iso…

Saw Arch has released 5.11 kernel so figured it was time to update iso again. Quite busy at the moment so not had much time to work on March release, most of this will be changes to themes, wallpaper, colours etc.. Am messing around with some poor mans tiling options in Openbox. ArchBang already has 5.11 is here lets have a new iso…

New feature added for uefi users

Have made some minor changes to uefi boot menu. Now have the option to load into ram for live session. Would not have thought it is needed for more modern machines but running from ram makes system just a little quicker in use. Iso updated and uploaded for testing. Next couple of weeks will be New feature added for uefi users

Update and changes in archiso

Am uploading a new iso (new kernel and some key packages). Recent changes in Archiso mean I need to rework my build scripts and of course do some test building. Mainly it is the removal of custom script in airootfs. The custom script is where changes to live system are made, adding user, locales, hostname Update and changes in archiso

Quick ArchBang iso update

Have had some feedback about ArchBang iso and the fact that zen install no longer works. Have tried to fix script but at the moment cannot get it to work correctly. So for now I have removed it from iso. You can still use zen installer under ArchBang just takes a few simple steps to Quick ArchBang iso update