Think of ArchBang but Void Linux based welcome to Project_Vole

I have today uploaded a beta version of project vole iso image which is based on ArchBang but uses Void Linux as its operating system. When I say beta it is very much still work in progress but most things will work out of the box. All your favourites are there, i3 window manager, lxterminal, firefox and of course things like conky and rofi.

One thing I do need to add is a keybind to void installer. A simple guide will need to be added for new Void users but I will look at that if image is popular or gets any kind of feedback.

Link to iso image:

Been running Void linux on my personal laptop for over a month now and am very impressed by it. Took a little getting used too but with a few aliases in .bashrc managed to run xbps with ease.

As always stay safe ….