Noticed that Firefox had an update yesterday so quickly rebuilt iso. Some may also notice that ads are appearing on website, just feel it is a passive way for users to support the project. Will trial it for a month and see how it goes…. So far have got £0.13/$0.18/0.16 euro…
Changed or rather created a new wallet for cryptocurrency, had not assigned address to a given coin. Can accept Solana now and can add others if users wish to donate using other coins, so long as Coinbase supports them.
If anyone is interested I might create a tiling based version of ArchBang using i3 window manager. Most of the ground work is already present in ArchBang iso, will just remove the openbox packages. How about a guide on creating your iso based on archlinux? … feel that some will want to add certain packages or switch editor, browser or even have a different window manager. All are of course possible.
Stay safe