A week of highs and lows

Came across a review on You Tube by Derek (Distro Tube). He has highlighted some issues with installers. Will not only try to clear up any confusion but also make changes that will help new users (in upcoming releases).

Link to video

If you want to install ArchBang i3 then use Abinstall (Super + i). It a terminal menu driven installer which is quick and easy to use and requires no internet connection.

Zen installer on the other hand is a network based gui fully custom installer (Super + z). To run and load Zen needs to set up local servers and install some required packages. Given that it detects an active network connection, it will set up mirrorlist to fastest servers and install packages needed then run installer. This as I saw in video was an issue due to the fact it took quite sometime to do this. Will address this again in upcoming releases.

Positive news I may be able to add an option in abinstall to select mirrors base on users location (country). For now I will add it too config_edit for testing, then will of course make it part of abinstall.

ArchBang is never going to win any contest on looks or configuration front. I am not a big fan of fancy toolbars, icons, themes. Tiling managers can have millions of options, rafts of keybinds and scripts. That I leave to a user, its a personal choice.

Will get an update uploaded over the weekend.

Stay safe 😉