Weekly update

Yesterday uploaded a new iso just to keep things up to date. Still working on an Artix version kind of works but needs a little more work before I release it. Autumn release I am…

Summer Release

Finally a Summer release 😉 Updated packages and minor fixes to themes and configs. Have removed /etc/skel source from iso as it is not needed post iso build, will not affect installation. Am going to…

Early update

Well 5.7 kernel is here, some minor updates and small changes to iso source. Gone from Alpine linux back to Arch then too Artix runit on my laptop. Still thinking about a systemd free version…

New iso and some themes updates

Am currently uploading a new iso, mainly package updates. Had a little spare time this morning to make some changes to look and feel or ArchBang. Changed Openbox and Gtk3 themes. Colours in dunst, dmenu,…

Messing with DWM

Have been using DWM on and off for a about a month now. I still seem to drift back to the comfort of i3, purely as I am used to running it. Dwm does tile…

Project Vole update

Looking at downloads of Project Vole which for latest release are only two. Given that ArchBang gets near a thousand downloads in a week. It is a real shame because I really like Alpine Linux,…

ArchBang new iso

Another week, another kernel update, a new iso. Updated packages and changed wallpaper. Other news Project Vole is coming along, still working on build scripts. Not changed much on the look but still thinking about…