Time for a change

ArchBang has been Openbox based for over ten years. Over the next few weeks I will be working towards switching to i3 tiling window manager. May well run i3-gaps as I do not want to scare users into a my minimal setup 😉 Keybinds will change for some things, nothing dramatic and quite easy to Time for a change

Good news Bad news

Good news another week another iso, not really much has changed (package wise) over the week but I do like to keep things fresh 😉 Bad news my boss has tested positive and I have today had the test. Have lost my sense of smell. Spent last weekend trying to set my usb stick on Good news Bad news

Another week another iso

Uploading a new up to date iso. Only minor changes this week to give a more green theme 😉 Have had some questions about persistence in ArchBang, archiso does support it but it is limited and is a little awkward to set up. Hoping to test over the weekend to see how difficult it is Another week another iso

October Iso

Uploaded yesterday a new iso and lo and behold Arch updated its kernel overnight. Am rebuilding as I type. After watching DistroTube on you tube was thinking of bringing back compton (picom) for a bit of eye candy. Certainly his green theme interested me 😉 Feel free to contact me if you have any issues October Iso

New iso, minor updates

Another week, new iso. Been getting my old laptop setup with Windows 10. Only took two hours to create usb and install. Then I installed ArchBang in less than twenty minutes Arch was installed updated and running i3 Firefox … nice. My reason for installing Windows 10 is that I fix classic ipods and need New iso, minor updates

Update the update

I uploaded an iso yesterday and today another kernel update. Have rebuilt the iso for your delight and pleasure. After upgrading my system I rebooted to run new kernel only to find that uefi had broken. I quickly reached for my ArchBang usb stick and booted into Openbox and started digging around trying to find Update the update

History Lesson

I have been working on ArchBang for nearly ten years now, quite a few changes in that time. Project was started by Willextreme who created iso and installer. I would visit the AB forums and make a nuisance of myself. Was always interested in how isos worked and were created. Will then had commitments with History Lesson

Beta uploaded, test test test!

So I have built and uploaded a new beta based on current archiso scripts, will need testing…. Currently having issues with VirtualBox (freezing system) so can only really test under Qemu. Still shipping with Netsurf browser as Firefox is HUUUGGGEEE!!! so iso is now around 800Mbs. ArchBang as it stands has not really changed much Beta uploaded, test test test!

Massive changes in Archiso.

Have been slowly getting new Archiso scripts working with ArchBang. They use a profile rather than build script to create Arch media. Did not take me long to make it work with ArchBang, simply made mkarchiso my build script… Know that more changes are on the way so Autumn release may take a little while Massive changes in Archiso.