Last ride for i3 Window Manager

Am uploading a new iso. Mostly to cover kernel update. Will then start switching back to Openbox for next week. Had even thought about trying JWM, it is more like Openbox and lighter so maybe be an option. Feel that i3 was just a little too basic for old and new users. ArchBang was always Last ride for i3 Window Manager

Update to fix installer

Well my mirror script in abinstall was not working correctly so I am rebuilding iso with a fix. Basically I was having a problem with redirecting a file. Just needed to simply insert directly into file. Switched out Firefox for Netsurf, iso was getting very close too a gig in size. Uploading new iso now, Update to fix installer

Updated mirrorlist generator

Another week a new iso, updated packages and kernel. Been a busy week in the real world this week so have not had much time working on ArchBang. Did make some changes to install (Location). Mirrorlist can be created via installer now. It will add the nearest servers based on location, rather than fastest. Still Updated mirrorlist generator

Another week another iso

Simply an update to iso new kernel and minor edit to Guide. In ~/Scripts you will see a file called mirror. Would be grateful if users could test live. To use it simply open a terminal go into Scripts folder like this: sudo mirror Follow on screen instructions once complete try: sudo pacman -Syyu You Another week another iso

A week of highs and lows

Came across a review on You Tube by Derek (Distro Tube). He has highlighted some issues with installers. Will not only try to clear up any confusion but also make changes that will help new users (in upcoming releases). Link to video If you want to install ArchBang i3 then use Abinstall (Super + i). A week of highs and lows

What an amazing week!!!!!

I am really surprised today ArchBang has had over 3500 downloads this week. An all time record. Have to blame (or thank) Matt at ArchLabs for letting users know of release. Think some comments were also made on Distro Watch. Never going to say ArchBang is perfect and it will always need more work Tried What an amazing week!!!!!

We are now at ‘Rc’ release

Uploading a new iso, have gone ‘rc’. Made a few changes: Dmenu colours now fixed, is now called directly from i3 config file i3status bar config is now in ~/.config (make it a little easier to find and modify) config_edit fixed (typo) TODO: Will mess around with keybinds in config at some point. Edit Guide We are now at ‘Rc’ release