
Just a heads up, error in abinstall…

Seems abinstall is broken in last release, have rebuilt iso image and have uploaded gitlab version of abinstall. Have a feeling I had a bad swapfile in vim [my excuse]. Error was with mkinicpio function being missing. Should be fixed now. Thanks to Eight Ball and SL for the heads up 😉 Stay safe….

Goodbye Rofi, hello Dmenu…

Just built and uploaded a new iso image, comes with latest packages and kernel. With removal of abserver decided that rofi really was not needed any more and have switched to dmenu. Same keybind Super+r give it a go 😉 Was looking at latest release from Bunsenlabs Boron. It is based on CrunchBang, Archbang was Goodbye Rofi, hello Dmenu…

Another year of hosting…

Have just paid for another years hosting, mostly covered by donations to the project. Thought long and hard about dropping blog, might just post less or as needed. Mesa was recently updated, as I run nouveau drivers so did not notice any problems. Only while testing ArchBang live under Virtualbox was not working. At first Another year of hosting…

Changes in Alacritty terminal…

Alacritty update now uses TOML syntax in configuration file. This means you may get a warning about changes and the need to migrate to new format. If you do see warning follow instructions and simply run: alacritty migrate Once done you will need to make other manual changes to remove warnings in terminal. To this Changes in Alacritty terminal…

Whats coming in 2024…

Well been a busy year for ArchBang. Openbox to i3/Sway then back to Openbox. Wayland will take over from X11 at some point so an alternative window manager based on it will be needed. Wayland is to some a bit marmite, what I mean is some like it others hate it. While Sway worked I Whats coming in 2024…

Well it had to happen….

Arch has update to 6.6.8 kernel so I have rebuilt and uploaded a nice fresh iso image 😉 Once again Happy Xmas and Happy New year… Stay safe.