Not so much of an issue but a feature….

Was testing install over weekend and noticed a small issue with installer. It is nothing serious but I wish to point it out now before I make changes to iso image for future releases.

Basically intel/amd microcode are both present in selected boot loader. Installer used to copy code to /boot depending on known cpu type. This no longer works as archiso has changed (more than likely years ago).

Future releases will contain both amd/intel microcode in /boot and I will leave it up to user to remove package and update boot loader.

In a terminal run:

lscpu | grep GenuineIntel

If that command returns GenuineIntel then you would need to remove amd-ucode package.

You must update your bootloader to make sure system will boot correctly.

For more information about microcode please read the following on Arch wiki

Will at some point update Guide to reflect any changes.

Any questions then please feel free to contact me.