Launchers are back…..

I have made a quick update to Spring release to replace i3status with i3blocks. Have seen it before in other distros and thought it over busy for what I need. Anyway a quick stop over at EndeavourOS github and I found exactly what I was looking for.

Basically panel now includes the old launchers that were present in tint2, terminal, browser and file manager. So you can simply click the icons on panel for that application to run. You will notice a power button and of course it does exactly that, clicking on it will bring up rofi power options. So I removed keybind from conky and i3.

Will see if I able adding a battery indicator then I can remove cbatticon from system tray. Volumeicon will go too as I do not see any real use for it live.

Do not want to make it too cluttered on panel so will not be adding memory,cpu, weather, package updates etc.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Stay safe…