Started work on Summer release… Wayland replaces Xorg….

So I have started work on Summer release, uploading ‘beta’ iso very soon. Have switched from i3 to Sway running under Wayland. Been using Sway on my machines for a couple of weeks now and have got most things working without any major problems. Had tried Wayland a few years ago, nothing seemed to work then. Sure there are a new set of packages but old friends remain.

This ‘beta’ release comes with Sway window manager, Waybar for panel, Wofi as a replacement for Rofi launcher, grim in place of scrot for screen capture. Thunar file manager, Firefox are still present. Lxterminal is replaced with foot terminal, which is very fast and easy to configure.

Conky does not work yet under Wayland so no onscreen binds and stats, most of the old binds are still there.

Super [Windows key] + Return opens a terminal
Super + d runs Wofi
Super + w Firefox
Super +f Thunar

Not fully tested installer yet so it may break, have not had any luck running Wayland under Virtualbox. Qemu or Gnome-Boxes should work.

Networking wired should work automatically, To get wireless you need to open a terminal and run nmtui then follow onscreen instructions.

In up coming weeks I will update wallpaper, colours, themes and add more functions to waybar and binds.

Please any feedback is welcome, know that this is quite a major change so it will take time for me to set up everything so bear with me 😉

Stay safe ….