You can see right through it!

Another week and I am currently building then uploading a new iso image. Have added picom to add shadows, clear windows, fading etc. It is disabled by default in i3 config but easy to setup.

Remove comment on the line that has the following

# exec $ei picom # remove '#' from start of line.

Save file save and exit i3, either by using i3 exit in a terminal or hitting Super+Shift+x [select log out].

Not enabled by default as conky gets a shadow around its window, something I need to fix. Think if I can get it working then I will remove border from active window in favour of a less clear background [that does not any sense but try it out you see what I mean]

Notice there are some changes in archiso that I will need to look at in Spring release, nothing major.

On links page have added Project Vole if you wish to check it out.

Am wondering if I should set up a Patreon page for ArchBang with a very low tier am very mindful that money is short at the moment. The only other way is to add an page of ads that users could visit for passive donations [ie you do not need to spend any money]. Not sure if Google ads will allow only one page to be populated with ads. I know ads are a pain but I need a small revenue income stream to keep the lights on. A coffee is always welcome as it is getting colder again here in the UK.

Stay safe and enjoy your weekend 😉