Quick update to support page…

I have added a new way to support project via buymeacoffee. Know that a lot of users are not comfortable with using paypal which I fully understand. Also it is a more economical way to give.

Running Quickemu for the past few days and it is amazing, loaded Quickgui to give a more point and click experience and am shocked at how easy it is to set up virtual machines. Form a simple menu I was able to chose from a whole host of distros and even Windows or MacOS. Not only is it easy to use but very fast (at least on my desktop). Virtualbox has always done what I needed it to do but this takes VMs to the next level. Gnome-boxes worked but I found it slow and buggy to use. Just needed a simple way of testing ArchBang iso and now I may have found it…

Quick tip for Linux users to get out of Fullscreen mode in Quickgui I found Shift + F12 helped (took me a while to figure that out)

Right I had better get back to working on Winter release…

Stay safe….