Ads are back….

With so little in the way of donations have decided to reintroduce ads to site. Really wanted to avoid doing this but unless I can raise a thousand dollars by end of year then I will have to give up the project completely. I only really work on ArchBang as a hobby but hosting, domains and hardware not too mention my time are costing me money.

In return for any extra cash towards project I am looking to increase number of iso versions and possibly add more features.

One thing I do want to do is a Wayland based iso, possibly using Sway tiling window manager. Been running Sway on my own desktop for a few weeks now (Thanks Joe) and it is growing on me. So far everything I need works including Virtual Machines (Ideal for testing iso images).

So if you like using ArchBang please think about donating a dollar to help out.

New updated iso image coming soon….

Stay safe….