Need a way of updating pacman with a GUI, read on….

I normally use an alias for pacman updates which is fine as I tend to live in a terminal…

There are of course GUI wrappers for pacman out there but I have no need of them. So I have been trying to come up with a way to update via a keyboard shortcut. First attempts did not work as terminal would run update then close again if no updates are found. After a a bit of searching of the web I may have found a solution.

bindsym $mod+u exec $ei lxterminal -e "sudo pacman -Syyu && $SHELL"

Will break it down:

$mod+u = Super + u keybind
$ei = –no-start-up-id (used in i3 to stop clock icon appearing)
$SHELL = is the terminal shell you are using in my case /bin/bash

So pacman will update then wait for you to confirm upgrade then leave terminal open after command runs. This is fine for me as I can close it with exit or Super + Shift + q.

Might be useful to some users or could be easily modified for other window manager, keybinds or other useful commands.

New iso image uploaded 😉

Stay safe…