Small changes and some news…

Am building a new iso image with some very small changes. Installed Sublime-Text editor and was trying it out by checking code in abinstall. Have been using Vim for quite a few months and had really started to get used to it for basic editing of files. Think with abinstall I have the mind set of it is not broke do not fix it. For the most part it works, though I have never tested all the different options.

Something that maybe useful is that I am writing a guide for gitlab on how ArchBang source files work. If are interested in building your own iso or creating a new arch based live iso it may help get you started.

Have also updated Guide on live iso, some of the information is out of date and found some errors. I may make more changes to it in the future, it was only really needed as a way for users to get started…Note to self check if Guide is still linked on iso…

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Stay safe 😉