Change of plan…

Was not happy with pacman-setup script so have added two functions too ~/.bashrc. Quite torn as I do not want to hide these from user but I figure only other option is a ~/Bin or…

ArchBang Spring Release

Am in the process of uploading ArchBang Spring release to sourceforge. Updated packages, change of theme and added in Nitrogen wallpaper manager. Major changes to note: pacman-init and dhcp service are not run at boot…


It seems Archlinux has moved Openbox-Themes to Aur. Have shipped ArchBang with Openbox-Themes for as long as I can remember. Spring release will not have extra themes shipped. Could create a repo and add package…

Keyboard layout in installer

Have had an email regarding an issue with installer. They had noticed that Xorg keyboard layout fails to set during install. Quite an easy fix, just rebuilt iso. New updated iso will be available very…

Arch updates kernel again!

It is not always easy to keep up with Arch updates… Another kernel so I have updated and uploaded another iso. Hopefully Grub issue is fixed, onloy time will tell.

Grub issue & 32bit Update

Have had a couple of users make comments on grub install failing in installer. Looking at code we have ‘–debug’ in command which I cannot find on grub man page. Will remove it for upcoming…

32bit Version Available

Gave a good friend of mine an old laptop. He wanted to try out Linux on it as it has quite low specs and was i686. Quickly grabbed archlinux32 and built an iso. Grab it…

ArchBang is back online

Finally have got up and running again. This will be a place for updates, issues and general news. As always you can contact me at mrgreen(at)archbang(dot)org (currently setting up email again!) Going to add…