ArchBang Patreon Support…

In addition to Paypal support I have now set up a Patreon page for ArchBang. Currently working towards SSL for site (although my hosting company is slow on getting it set up). These are extra…

New Iso Wallpaper, themes and updated kernel

Uploaded a new iso, highlights switched Openbox theme, new wallpaper (photo taken last weekend) Updated packages and kernel. Zen installer does take a little while to load required packages depending on network speed. Normally around…

Honda Iso

Quick iso update was having a problem with zen-installer, did not know that notifications does not work correctly as root. Basically you get no notification that anything is happening (it is!). Loading of required packages…

New Logo

Thanks to Mr Altman for creating a new ArchBang logo Just got figure out how to add it to blog….

Quick Update syslinux fixed..

Uploading another beta which is even more up to date (linux 5.2.3). Syslinux now loads microcode during install. Will need to work on Bootctl at some point but its far will need more work. For…

Microcode in ArchBang

Turns out ArchBang installer is not loading microcode during install. Latest iso (2407) fixes issue. Basically abinstall now checks vender_id and loads microcode into /boot. ArchBang iso runs both amd/intel but image is loaded via…

Warning old iso issue

A user called barchie contacted me about an issue with isos, turns out that overlay files are still marked as mrgreen:http. Basically I run source files from my /home directory and thought that my build…

Change back to Openbox

Did quite a bit of thinking regarding using i3 with ArchBang and it was starting to be obvious that many new users would be put off by tiling. Openbox is a comfortable window manager, easy…