Happy Holidays…
Am uploading a new iso with a new look, to get into the festive spirit. Just want to wish all ArchBang users a very Happy Xmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and see you all in the new year 😉
Am uploading a new iso with a new look, to get into the festive spirit. Just want to wish all ArchBang users a very Happy Xmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and see you all in the new year 😉
Have had some feedback on adding rofi to Polybar panel. It was suggested I look at jgmenu, it is part of many of the arch based spin offs. Personally wanted to keep things simple but after messing around with jgmenu for the past week it is starting to grow on me. One of the main … Whats on the menu?
Am uploading a new iso image with updated packages and latest [well at this point!] kernel. If a new kernel comes into repos then I will of course update image. Couple of changes I have made. First is now using systemd-boot for uefi. It is a little easier to work with although it does add … Prepare for launch…..
Have built and uploaded iso image with latest kernel, mesa update [some users were having issues with it]. Also added Archinstall so if you wish to do a archlinux style install with a given window/desktop manager of your choice. Three things I may change abinstall is starting to show its age and I would like … Turning off the lights, well in the new year…
I am shocked at the number of downloads iso has had this week, an all time record. I look to get around 1000 downloads a week and that is quite high. This week alone was over 2000 downloads. So I am guessing I must be doing something right. As a thank you I have added … Thank you for your support….
Posting early this week as I have just seen downloads of release version. Over 1300 in just a few days, think a new record for ArchBang. Was installing ArchBang on a Chromebook the other day all was fine but did notice Alacritty terminal font looked a bit large and Openbox fonts looked small. Not had … Well I am shocked …..
Have just built and uploaded new iso image that is now running latest kernel 6.12. Had an interesting question in the week regarding showing window list. As Polybar only shows current active window others that are present might be minimized and not visible. Two ways to see window list one use Alt-Tab or middle click … New iso image with 6.12 kernel and some Alt-Tab action
Quick iso update. A few minor changes but one thing I have added is sxhkd daemon, it is a keybind controller that uses a simple syntax for better control over applications and functions. Making changes in rc.xml for adding or changing keybinds can be quite painful and also leads sometimes to errors in the file … What about adding Alt to the mix…..
I am building and will soon upload a new ArchBang iso image. Quite a few changes, mostly small fixes and some changes to installer. Biggest change is the overall look and feel. New wallpaper, Openbox theme and colour changes to polybar. Have used my own personal photos in ArchBang for many years to avoid any … Magenta is the new Purple….
I do not think Xfce4 version of ArchBang is really that popular. Many users prefer using ArchBang running Openbox. I only changed to Xfce4 as I was finding it more difficult to maintain tint2 panel as I was having problems with it. Turns out issue was more to do with lxsession [something I am looking … Bringing ArchBang back to life….