
Added desktop indicator…

Just uploaded a new iso image, package updates and latest kernel. Also added a script to show current desktop. For some reason tint2 would not switch and show current desktop, script uses xdotool to figure out what desktop you are on. Problem I had was it worked fine with numbered desktops but of course names Added desktop indicator…

I need a new Graphics card….

I need to upgrade my old Nvidia GT710 to something a bit more modern, had this card for well over 10 years now. I am by no means a gamer so never really needed anything that powerful, but I need to get with the times. Looking at getting an RX6600 Radeon with 8Gb of ram, I need a new Graphics card….

Desktops switcher and Iso update

Am still working on a desktop switcher for Tint2 my first attempt worked and thought job done. However I had not taken into account that a user can rename desktops as words or icons or numbers. So it is back to the drawing board. Xdotool is your friend when it comes to interacting with Openbox. Desktops switcher and Iso update

Productive week….

I have had a little more time to work on ArchBang this week, but things did not go as planned. Desktop switching in tint2 is not working and I have struggled to find a solution. Got to the point of thinking about using polybar instead. It was while reading polybar wiki that I found some Productive week….

Checking mail…

I am getting quite a few spam messages via email some with infected attachments. Am switching over to using Thunderbird email application to reduce the wasted time going into my hosting to remove these messages. This will also mean that I may not reply as quickly as I am not going to check it as Checking mail…