Uploaded Summer Release, no real surprises…just more up to date. Going to spend less time at the keyboard and enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. Now thinking of switching to a tiling window manager in ArchBang, not sure yet which one (dwm would be my choice). I really like bspwm but the lack of panel put me off. Sure you can run run tint2 with it, just could not get it to work the way I wanted. I3 would be a good solid workhorse of a WM.
Well I think most Arch users tend to switch from Gnome/Kde/Xfce4 for something lighter and less bloated. Openbox is fine for that, comfortable easy to use. Might add a second WM for upcoming releases so users can get a feel for a tiling window manager before fully committing ArchBang to it.
Enjoy your summer, stay safe.
Mr Green