A few fixes and a possible new install method….

Am working towards updating iso image, new kernel has been released so should upload something tomorrow.

Made a few changes post install:

Abinstall option will be removed from jgmenu.

Added fallback option for kernel under systemd-boot

Also you can now install ArchBang using Archinstall, this is very much work in progress. Of course you will need a working network connection for this to even work.

In a terminal run:

sudo archinstall

It is menu driven and quite easy to use, once you get to profile section, select desktop and then ArchBang from the list. A simple script then installs all of the required ArchBang packages and sets new user configs.

Can do a full guide if anyone is interested, for now it I would test it first under a Virtual Machine before real hardware.

Would love to use Archinstall as ArchBang as an offline installer but I think this may not be possible ;-(

Look out for new iso image….

Stay safe 😉