Turning off the lights, well in the new year…

Have built and uploaded iso image with latest kernel, mesa update [some users were having issues with it]. Also added Archinstall so if you wish to do a archlinux style install with a given window/desktop manager of your choice.

Three things I may change abinstall is starting to show its age and I would like to get archinstall to work for ArchBang. Its has more features and can simply install a base system up to a full blown desktop such as KDE/Gnome. A custom profile and pulling in local configs would not be too difficult. However creating/allowing an offline install might be more of an issue.

Number two on the list is switch UEFI booting of iso image to Systemd-boot. Little easier to work with and I may be able to get a splash image working. Have always avoided it simply due to how large systemd-boot is anyway something I will look into.

Lastly it was suggested that ArchBang use jgmenu as a root menu from Polybar panel. Now jgmenu is amazing and feature rich, but I do not think having a third menu option is good thing. ArchBang was always about keeping things simple and fast. I may visit it in the future as a replacement for stock Openbox menu at some point. Do think that having rofi launched from panel might be an option too.

I have not had any donations for well over six months, with hosting up for renewal early in the new year. Will keep domain name going but switch either to a free platform possibly github to host blog. With the holiday season coming up fast I will not have as much time to mess around with ArchBang iso. Please think about helping me out with a dollar or two.

Stay safe 😉