ArchBangX possible update…

I think ArchBangX is doing well, downloads are good and so far no negative feedback. Couple of points I need to address as regards to installation.

First and very importantly post install you do need to set up pacman-keys and refresh archlinux-keyring, very important for package signing.

In a terminal run:

sudo pacman-key –init
sudo pacman-key –populate
sudo pacman -Syyu archlinux-keyring

Then you are good to go 😉 Will make sure this is in Guide for next release, forgive me if I have not updated Guide on site.

Second thing is keyboard layout, do know that during install you are asked to set desktop keyboard layout. This is more for global settings [Xorg] so not really needed as you can set layout in Xfce4 Settings [very easily]. Again I need to add a note in Guide and possibly remove option from installer.

Xfce4 has a wealth of options in settings far to many to tell you about, go and have a look online, videos, screenshots etc. Do need to do more testing of iso but I am having quite a few issues with VirtualBox at the moment. Running Qemu instead from command line but got sidetracked into helping out Joe at EndeavourOS 😉

Also I have turned off Ads, to be honest got fed up with them. Please think about a dollar or Coffee to support the project and my work.

As always stay safe…