Getting close to release candidate…

Have made quite a few changes to ArchBangX ‘beta’, more happy now with the look and feel. Panel now features launchers for Firefox,Terminal and Thunar file manager. Removed icons from desktop. I think I have managed to remove Mail app from main menu. ArchBangX guide is now in Documents folder and has been changes to reflect new window manager.

Abinstall does work but you do need to run command in AB_Scripts directory. Not a big deal I will look at making this simpler in the near future but for now, move into AB_Scripts directory and run sudo ./abinstall. Once installed you just need to create pacman keys and update system.

I will try to release ‘rc’ version over the weekend and then work towards making it look even better over next few months.

Really hope to soon disable comments, currently around $15 short of being able to draw funds from adsense. I am getting the clicks but with low traffic seems to take forever. I for one will be glad to remove them from website.

In the near future I will move ArchBangX into its own folder on sourceforge and update links to source files. With change to Pacman 7 I think there will be changes to archiso that will need to be addressed.

Would like to create a Sway based version in the near future but I am waiting to see how Xfce4 will do over next few weeks.

Something I may do is remove Desktop layout option in abinstall. Keyboard layout and keybinds are very easy to change just go into settings. As well as many other features of the window manager and desktop.

Stay safe…