This mostly running under a Virtual Machine….

Recent update to Virtualbox meant I can no longer run Wayland based images under it. So I thought I would try some other virtual machines out there. Virt-manager is quite high on the list and is basically a gui wrapper for Qemu. And while not as simple to use as Virtualbox normal Xorg based images run fine.

But Wayland ones do not and they look terrible and run really slowly.

So load up Gnome-boxes which again is a Qemu wrapper but is very easy to use and for the most part works fine. It is kind of limited on its options but Wayland will run under it for the most part.

Am looking to build two versions of ArchBang in the future, one based on Xfce4 and the other running Sway. Or maybe both 😉 who knows….

Do know that I have managed to get archinstall to load up my own configs [at least under sway] and so Xfce4 ones would be hopefully easy to do.

Will keep you posted on any updates but so far no one has missed ArchBang weekly updates so maybe my decision way the right one.

Stay safe 😉