Messing with DWM

Have been using DWM on and off for a about a month now. I still seem to drift back to the comfort of i3, purely as I am used to running it. Dwm does tile better than i3 out of the box. That said I added autotile (AUR) to give a more dwm like experience. Messing with DWM

Project Vole update

Looking at downloads of Project Vole which for latest release are only two. Given that ArchBang gets near a thousand downloads in a week. It is a real shame because I really like Alpine Linux, small, fast, easy and no real bloat. Will for now focus on ArchBang updates until I get more interest in Project Vole update

ArchBang new iso

Another week, another kernel update, a new iso. Updated packages and changed wallpaper. Other news Project Vole is coming along, still working on build scripts. Not changed much on the look but still thinking about switching out i3 for something lighter. ArchBang is still getting a good number of downloads so I guess someone likes ArchBang new iso

Project Vole update…

Am testing out Project Vole running Alpine Linux. Vole is running i3 window manager and st terminal. It is still very very Beta!!! but log in as vlive (user) password live and simply startx. Hit super plus enter and a terminal will open. Network connection should run via ethernet without any issue. To get wifi Project Vole update…

New background and updates

Am uploading a new iso with a new wallpaper. Limited at the moment so was only able to get a wallpaper locally with lock down measures in place here in the UK. Had over a thousand downloads in a week which given current world events is amazing. With extra time at home started looking at New background and updates

Building another iso

I uploaded another testing version by mistake, am going to upload a beta version that does not have testing enabled. Now that 5.6 has hit main repos. Normal service will resume shortly 😉

Kernel 5.6 Iso

Just a quick update to get iso up to date. Now running 5.6 kernel. Reading a lot about alacritty terminal and wondered if it lives up to its hype. Have run lxterminal for many years in ArchBang and maybe time for a change. Might add it to packages in an updated iso very soon. (need Kernel 5.6 Iso

Kernel 5.6.2 in Testing

With kernel 5.6 available have removed testing version. If you want to test out kernel 5.6 early then I may have something for you. Built an iso with testing and community-testing enabled. Am uploading to a new folder in files on Sourceforge named ArchBang-Unstable-Testing-Bets-WIP. As folder name suggests its very very beta so I would Kernel 5.6.2 in Testing